Man in Black by Julie Ann Walker

POV: 3rd Person Multi
TROPES: Opposites Attract; Damaged Hero; Co-Workers; Spin-off Series; Frienemies to Lovers; Frienemeies with Benefits; Reformed Playboy; Slow Burn; Instant Connection
SERIES: Black Knights, Inc: Reloaded
TYPE OF SERIES: Interconnected Series
RELEASE DATE: May 28, 2024
PoP: 82%

It hadn’t simply been a kiss of passion. It was as if every ounce of her being had been poured into that fleeting moment of intimacy.

Julie Ann Walker returns to the Black Knights Series with Man in Black.

Man in Black is the story of Fisher Wakefield and Eliza Meadows. Fisher is a man who doesn’t think he deserves more. His past has formed his opinions of himself, and he is having a hard time moving past it. Eliza is a woman that works hard and tries to separate herself from her background as well… but in different ways.

These two are more than meets the eyes… They both have had feelings for each other, but because of Fisher’s hang-ups they throw barbs at each other more often than not. But then an event occurs and Fisher starts to really see that maybe, maybe things could be different. Alas, his head gets in his way. Eliza has always seen him as more than he sees himself, but he won’t allow things to move past that. Until they decided to add benefits to their relationship. Then the waters get muddy and more feelings get involved.

In Man in Black, we are treated to the bad guy’s POV, as well as the introduction of the next couple and their connection. Julie Ann Walker creates an intricately woven story that makes a reader never want to put the book down. You do want to read these series in order because of the overarching storyline as well as the way in which she introduces characters, but you won’t be disappointed because of that fact.

Man in Black Cover

Check out my reviews of book one and book two of the Black Knights, INC: Reloaded

Back in Black
Black Hearted