The Trailblazer by Gina Azzi

Rating: 4/5
Series: Boston Hawk Hockey
PoP: 62%
Tropes: Second Chance, Hockey Romance, Childhood Sweethearts, Slow Burn

The world of the Boston Hawks is one of my most favorite places!  I always thinking there is no way the next book will have the same magic as the previous ones do. Yet every time I open one of these amazing stories I am transported and soon falling in love with my next hockey book boyfriend.   Trailblazer is second chance, marriage of convenience with two souls that are fated to be together. This is story that will have you swooning and falling in love once again. 

Declan Yeager is a man living aimlessly.  He is grounded by his dream hockey career but outside of that he is just coasting by without great love or purpose.  Declan left his small hometown in Tennessee to pursue his hockey career seven years ago. When he walked away, he took a piece of Vivi’s heart with him.  

Genevieve (Vivi) Genevieve, or Vivi, has been living life in a fog. She has been solely focused on her work for the last 7 years so that she didn’t have to think about or feel the emotions surrounding Declan Yaeger or the byproduct of their young love.

When Vivi’s grandfather unexpectedly put a stipulation in his will that she needed to be married to continue to have control over her charity work, she finds herself planning a marriage of convenience.  Declan hearing about Mr. Harrington’s passing and Vivi’s upcoming nuptials, he finds himself walking out of a game and back in his hometown to stop her. Only he doesn’t stop her, but instead finds himself volunteering to be her new husband.

I am not always a big fan of second chance romances but what kept these two a part made sense. Their coming together felt right and fated. It is also a story that when your heart is fated to another you will find your way back. This is also a story of healing.  Seven years and miles of distance could not keep these two from their destiny. 

This is a must add to your TBR.