Pretend You Want Me by Cynthia Eden

Rate: 5 Stars
PoP: 40%
Series: Wilde Ways book 13
Tropes: Boyguard; Fake Relationship; Instant Connection;
POV: 3rd Person

Cynthia Eden is one of my automatic one-clicks and this one does not disappoint. Aspen and Gideon have an instant connection that Aspen wants to try to avoid, but Gideon won’t allow that. These two are perfect for each other. Neither one allowing the other to hide, and once the walls fall down for both of them they are a force together. Aspen holds a lot close to the vest because of circumstances of her life, but I love that Gideon doesn’t allow her to hid from him. He calls her out on it all. We get that usual suspense element that you expect from Eden and it isn’t predictable which I enjoy so much!

Another great element to this story is the perfect blend between her Wilde Ways and Trouble for Hire Series, but also gives little snippets of possible books to come in the future.