Finding Carly by Susan Stoker

POV: 3rd Person Multi
PoP: 77%
Tropes: Friends to Lovers; Found Family; Protector Romance; Heroine in Danger; Slow Burn
Series: SEAL Team Hawaii book 5
Type of Series: Series of Standalones with interconnected storylines
Rate:  5/5 Stars
Release Date: October 11, 2022

Susan Stoker hit it out of the park again with this story.  Carly and Jag have been dancing around each other since they met in book one, and Jag wants to move forward in the relationship, but Carly has been pulling back recently.  This story has some touch subject matter because of Jag’s background but Stoker treats it with grace and the way in which it comes out it makes sense.  

Carly’s life is in danger still because of her ex, and Jag will do anything he can to protect her.  But he also wants her to start living her life.  I am loving this series, and there is a little bit of a change from the dynamic if this series that some of her previous ones, but you only notice if you are an avid Stoker reader.

In this addition, we get to touch base with each of the other Seals in this team, and while you can read these books as standalones, you will get a better feeling of the timeline of their relationship and Carly’s past if you start with book one.