WRATH | Cala Riley

Grumpy heroes that think that they are not good enough for their heroines are some of my absolute favorites to read.  Because they always seem to fall the hardest.  Wrath is no different.  This man is gruff and speaks in fluent grunts.  Very few are able to see beneath the grumpy exterior.  He is a born protector. Tara, a former Sweetbutt for the MC is taken under Wrath’s protection after a brother took things too far with her.  While some might think she is fragile she is anything but. Tara is working hard to become the person that she wants to be.  Starting out by getting a job. I love that Tara has become a reader, and Wrath has definitely taken notice and enjoys Tara’s reading … .let’s just say wowzer did they light the pages on fire! 

When Wrath claims Tara as his “old lady” I seriously was chuckling to myself.  This man just literally cannot help himself. He is so smitten with Tara he can hardly see straight.  But the chemistry these two have is so intense and so hot! Tara and Wrath are so intense together and steamy scenes are just so well written, these two have a kinky side to them and they are so compatible.  If you are into primal kink, then this should be on your radar! When trouble hits the MC Wrath and his brothers work together to ensure their safety and to take down the bad guys. I love how the MC is like a family, and they take care of their own. These guys might be gruff and tough but on the inside they are softies and will do anything for those that they love.  The Lotus MC is filled with morally gray characters working hard to provide for their families and I cannot wait for where Cala & Riley take us next.  This series is shaping up to be some top notch dark romance.