The Right Side of Wrong by Prescott Lane

Stars: 5/5
Steam: 3/5
Trope: Single Mom; Damaged Hero; Age Gap
Series: Standalone
POV: Dual 1st  Person

I have yet to read a Prescott Lane book that I don’t cry at least twice. She has a way of pulling you apart at the seams that you don’t expect for notice until the tears are running down your face. Slade, oh Slade, how I wanted to junk punch you at times, but boy did he come through in a big way. He is damaged in a way that he knows and understands. But when he sees the one thing that will allow him to heal in a way he never knew he wanted he does so much to try and keep it away from him. Paige, you just want to hold close and tight and give her every bit of love that she never had growing up. She made choices that you do not agree with, but can completely sympathize with because of the way her life has unfolded. These two once that last step is taken are perfect together. They are not perfect and still have their faults and missteps, but it was happens because of those faults and missteps that you appreciate and adore. If you have not yet read Prescott Lane, you need to do so.