The Lie by Karla Sorensen

Stars: 5/5
Steam: 3/5
Tropes: Football; Second Generation; Hidden Identity
Series:  First in Series; Standalone
POV: Dual 1st Person
P.O.P: 68%

Turbo is back. We first met Faith Pierson in The Bombshell Effect as a precocious kid when Allie and Luke get to their happily ever after. Now it’s Faith’s turn. She is hard working well adjusted woman who is keeping her family’s legacy alive with their foundation. While Faith and her sister Lydia have been brought up in extreme wealth, but that has not created an environment in which they do not work for what they have. 

Dominic is a pro-football player that has been traded to the Wolves and is dealing with a not so stellar reputation. He is seen as a bad-boy with anger issues. And while a lot of that is part of who he is, a bigger part of it is that he has had events happen in his life that he has never truly gotten over. You feel for him when you read about the reasons behind his issues, and you want to just hug him. At the same time, you want to punch him because his behavior and attitude skews his initial interactions with a lot people. 

These two have an instant connection, but with the way in which Dominic approaches things, they do not get off on the right foot. But Dominic soon makes a discovery that changes the directory of their relationship, and while this will eventually come to haunt him, I understand the motivations behind his decisions. When these two reach their third act, you feel heartbroken right along with the two of them. But there is so much growth and healing. Sorenson does an amazing job with Dominic and Faith, they have so many moments of love and laughter. They have a lot of moments of ugly and tears, but the culmination of it all is a beautiful work that I am happy to have read.