Review: Love After Us by Claudia Burgoa

Rating: 3.5/5   PoP: 98%  Covert Affairs Book 2

You must read book one, After the Vows, Covert Affairs Book 1 before reading this book. This is a book of heartache and healing. At the end of the last book Seth was in an unclear situation and we were unsure of Teddy’s whereabouts. As Seth makes arrangements to rescue her in the quickest way possible, Teddy lives through hell. This book is the story of them finding love again after the hurt. The near death experiences have opened Seth’s eyes but Teddy feels it may be too late. 

I really enjoyed the way this book was written. There are a lot of text and email conversations. Some of it is mundane stuff, but most of it is things they really want to share with each other.  It shows the evolution of their relationship and they are forced into a place where they have to be more supportive emotionally than physically. I believe that a temporary long distance relationship can be very impactful for a couple. There is a lot of lead into what I hope is the next story and I really just wanted to take everyone’s pain with that situation away. If this one hurts, that one is going to be devastating.