Meet the Buzzing about Romance Librarians!
On our May 30, 2021 Episode we will introduced the Librarians that have joined us to help bring more book recs to our followers and listeners.
Libraries and Librarians are such important part of our communities and that includes the Book Blog Community. It is really important to us that we are doing everything we can to help make reading accessible for all. One of the greatest treasures is Libraries. I am avid reader and an advocate for reading romance but there is something magical about librarians. You can interact with our Librarians on both our discord server or our Facebook group but also make sure you follow them on their social media. (All will be linked below)
Meet Librarian Laura:

Laura Jones is an MLS Librarian, Bookstagrammer, Book Reviewer, & Book Blogger at She is a wife, mother of 2 boys, and 2 labrador retrievers. While not reading or reviewing, she loves baking, running at a very slow speed, crafting (sewing, crochet, cross stitch), and drinking a lot of strong coffee and fancy bourbon (but not together!). She reviews for School Library Journal & Library Journal and is the Past Chair of Eliot Rosewater Indiana HS Book Award Committee. Laura is a Licensed Teacher, Soccer Coach, Member of Indiana Library Federation, Member of Association for Rural & Small Libraries, and her local Lion’s Club. Her favorite genres are Romance and Thrillers. She is currently working on her first novel, a contemporary small-town romance.
YouTube Book Talks
Meet Librarian Amanda

Amanda is an MLIS Librarian from the Upper Midwest. She currently serves as the Archivist and Curator for a special collection at a Big 10 academic research institution. Throughout the month of March, you’ll find her slinging book recs as part of the #TournamentOfTropes bracket competition to determine the supreme romance trope of all time. A lifelong lover of the genre, Amanda’s first romance novel—a steamy adult celeb romance—will be published in August 2021 by Totally Bound press. Laura: MLS Librarian, Bookstagrammer, Book Reviewer, & Book Blogger. Wife, Mom of 2 boys & 2 labs, lover of baking, running, crafting, and strong coffee. School Library Journal & Library Journal Reviewer. Past Chair of Eliot Rosewater Indiana HS Book Award Committee, Licensed Teacher, Soccer Coach, Member of Indiana Library Federation, Association for Rural & Small Libraries, and Lion’s Club
Meet Nicole:

Nicole: Tattooed and blue haired Minnesotan librarian hoping to drink as much coffee and read as many books as she can. Can often be found with a couple of cats or her dog snuggled up reading a book or playing video games. She loves a variety of books fr om hockey romances to dark Nordic mysteries and true crime.