Curious | Leslie McAdam

Shelby is the guy that is always happy and lending a hand or a shoulder to cry on.  He is constantly doing things for others, and to most people around him he is happy.  But in reality Shelby is riddled with self doubt. He seems to find himself in relationship after relationship that isn’t right for him and is taken advantage of by those that should care and respect him.  

Cameron is working hard after a rough breakup.  He is building a business and working on remodeling his home.  His life is sort of a mess.  Cam is the poster child for golden retriever energy. He is affectionate, loves his family, and is loyal to those around him. But he is lonely. 
When Cam steps in for Shelby when he is at his lowest and is in desperate need of a friend.  The pair end up in a marriage of convenience in an amazing turn of events.  Let me say…I love a marriage of convenience.  And this one where “straight” Cam marries a gay Shelby. Oh yea, I am here for that.  Sparks fly after their kiss to seal the union, and Cam literally cannot keep his hands off Shelby.  Due to the past Shebly is rightfully concerned about his heart. I will say the way McAdam’s wove respecting consent into this book was perfection!  Shelby admittedly was giving so many mixed messages, but Cam respected all of his boundaries and continued to respect Shelby’s body language and words.  Outside of their physical connection Cam and Shelby built an amazing friendship and quickly became each other’s person.  I thoroughly enjoyed how their relationship naturally progressed, and the support that they were given by their friends and Cam’s family.  I have really enjoyed this series thus far and am eagerly awaiting Charlie’s book! 

* I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 


Rating: 4 stars
POV:  Dual first person
POP: 54% 

Series: IOU Series 

Type of Series: Standalone’s with some crossover characters in series
Tropes: Bi-Awakening, Marriage of Convenience, Golden Retriever Energy, Close proximity, Protective Hero

Release Date:  8/21/23
Available on Kindle Unlimited