Until Delilah by Harlow Layne
Stars: 5/5
Steam: 3/5
Trope: Friends to Lovers; Slow Burn; Single Mom; Instant Connection
Series: Happily Ever Alpha World
POV: Dual 1st Person
Ever Alpha World with this first dive into the 3rd generation. In this book, we meet Max who is December and Gareth’s eldest son. Delilah has been through the ringer in her life. She is a single mom to Beckham and pregnant when she leaves her boyfriend because of the world that she has found he is embroiled in. She wants to create a better life for her family, and she meets the Black family, which of course extends to the Maysons. Max has retired from baseball and has moved back home to TN to be closer to his family. He sees Delilah and BOOM, you know the rest. Their journey to and HEA isn’t without issue because of course it is never easy in this world. But I love and adore the relationship between Beck and Max. I love when he talks to Delilah about how December is his mom by choice and how he never felt less than her son. I love the devotion each and every couple has in this world. If you haven’t delved into this world, you should. You do NOT need to read December and Gareth’s story because this holds up individually.