Ways to Manage a TBR.

On the most recent episode of Buzzing about Romance Podcast we talked all about ways to Manage a TBR.

I personally am not a very good TBR person as far as keeping an ongoing list of books I want to read.  My list tends to be a list of books I need to read with due dates or release dates.  I don’t really keep a running list of books that I would like to read.   I thought I would share some ways that might help you with your TBR.

What is a TBR?

A TBR, or “To Be Read,” is a compilation of books that one intends to read. Its definition varies among individuals. For some, it may be a roster of books they’re interested in exploring, including lists of authors they’re keen on reading, rather than specific titles. Alternatively, it can be a compilation of anticipated future releases. Some may perceive it as akin to a to-do list.

In 2023 I am trying to do better with keeping a list. 

Here are some ways to keep track of books you want to read.

Another easy way to keep track of your TBR is with Excel or Google Sheets.  Creating a simple spreadsheet to keep track of your TBR list. You can include columns for the title, author, genre, and any notes you want to add. This will also all the list to be sorted by title, author, genre, tropes and where to find the book. 

I also love a TBR jar. Creating  a TBR jar by writing the titles of the books on slips of paper and putting them in a jar is a fun interactive way to keep track of books you want to read.   When you’re ready to start a new book, you can randomly select one from the jar. There is also the added benefit of decorating the Jar as you want.   This does not always work if you are a mood reader, because the book you draw might not fit your mood. 

A Notebook or planner is a great way to keep track of your TBR. You can use a bullet journal to do this or use one specifically made for keep track of book.  You can also use sticky notes or tabs to mark the pages. If you are part of the Buzzing about Romance Patreon, we offer one as a perk in our Cold Brew Tier. We also offer Reading card to any of our community members but you can purchase a set on our website.

Websites for TBR Management

Goodreads– love it or hate it is a very easy way to keep track of books you might be interested in. Also due to the social nature of Goodreads it can also show you popular books with in in your reading community.

LibraryThing is a website and app for book lovers that allows you to create a TBR list, add books to it, and mark them as read when you finish them. Additionally, you can rate books, write reviews, and receive recommendations based on your reading history.

You can create a private Amazon wish list to keep track of your TBR books. This list enables you to add books and mark them as purchased when you buy them.

Book Riot’s “My TBR” is a free web-based tool that permits you to create and manage your TBR list. With this tool, you can add books to the list, mark them as read when you’re finished, and obtain recommendations based on your reading history.