Watch Me by Stacey Kennedy

Oh boy! Oh Boy!  Do you ever get so engrossed in a book that anytime you have to attend to real life you are slightly pissy about it?  This was me with Watch Me.  From the Prologue on I was engrossed and could not put the book down! This is book one in a new series and it starts off with a bang. 

Main Character Zoey Parker has spent the last year not really living her life but trying to find a way to prove to those who wronged her that they didn’t totally destroy her. How does one get justice when the very core of who you are is shaken.  And how much justice is enough to be able to move forward in your life.   Zoey went to The Phoenix to dole out her own brand of justice. The victim of assault Zoe needs to make those who violated her realize that she knows what they did and didn’t do. She needs to let the perpetrators know that while she has been stunted, they did not take everything from her.   In those simple actions Zoey has gained so much more.

Enter Rhys Harrington. He is a man who must always be in control.  To many things in his life have been outside his control so going forward he will be the one calling the shots!  Rhys Harrington owner of a cigar club in Manhattan and face of his families wealthy business has a secret hidden behind the walls of his business namely one club called Phoenix where those who wish can live out their deepest fantasies without fear of being judged.

Zoey gets so much more than what she came for when she stepped into Phoenix, Rhys breaks all his own rules when he meets Zoey. I loved their journey to their HEA. This emotionally charged truly genuine romance is one for the ages.  Once I picked it up, I could not put it down.  Kennedy writes stories that are unique and engaging.  Zoey could be my friend or niece.  Her conversations, her fears are all so real.  The banter of this story is funny and absorbing.  The relationships in this story are so real.  Zoey’s roommates and Rhys’ friends add some much-needed lightness to the story.  I can’t not wait for the next offering in the series!  This was a 5/5 star read for me.  It might be the sexiest book of 2020!