The Resurrection of Wildflowers (Wildflower Duet Book 2) by Micalea Smeltzer 

The Resurrection of Wildflowers was a lackluster follow up to book one of the Wildflower Series.

I am so confusion and frustration with Salem. I hated Salem. Why marry Caleb, she   didn’t truly love him. The books starts with their divorce. I also have big feelings about how she handled Caleb and Thayer with her daughter, as a grown I was confused and felt overwhelmed. I understand Salem’s anger towards Thayer for not communicating but he had just lost his child while in his care. Here is where Salem’s emotional immaturity plays big into my feelings of this book.  This was handled so poorly.  

Caleb, who was not very likable in book 1 really showed up in this book. He is the only one who is even slightly remarkable in this book. He took responsibility for Sada since Salem never informed Thayer of her pregnancy. But honestly Salem used him, and he allowed himself to be used!  

The characters in this book are imperfect and I don’t mind an imperfect character if there is growth, but not here. All of them give too stupid to live vibes.  

Once Salem tells Thayer about Seda- why is he not angrier- He certainly should not marry her and invite her into his home! 

I don’t understand why both men are deeply in love with her and think that both Thayer and Caleb deserve better.  

This book was such a disappointment. I don’t understand the hype. I am no longer interested in any follow up. It was lackluster. Where was the emotions from the first book?  

Book Stats:
Rating 2/5
Series: Wildflower Duet
Tropes: age-gapbakerycliff-hangerclose-proximityreadsecret-babysingle-momsmall-townvegas-wedding