“Tempt our Fate” by Kat Singleton

Review of “Tempt our Fate” by Kat Singleton

Tempt our Fate” is an adversaries-to-lovers small town romance that truly had its moments. I was captivated by the witty banter, and I couldn’t help but love Pippa’s take-no-nonsense, confident attitude. However, as the story progressed, I found her character development somewhat lacking, making her appear one-dimensional. Her sudden doubts about her partner’s feelings and actions felt out of place, especially when he consistently vocalized his emotions and demonstrated them.

The one-sided nature of the relationship between the main characters was a significant drawback for me. Pippa’s hesitancy to reciprocate her partner’s feelings left me questioning the authenticity of their connection.

The third-act breakup felt forced, immature, and was resolved hastily. It left me wondering if it was even necessary, as there was no substantial growth or emotional reconciliation between the characters.

Camden, the broody billionaire with a troubled past, offered an intriguing character dynamic. However, the story provided a broad overview of his history without delving deep into his emotional scars. The abrupt transition from a lifetime of parental neglect to declaring love for Pippa left me wanting a more nuanced exploration of his character.

The warning from Pippa’s grandmother felt misplaced, as Camden was not the one who appeared guarded in their relationship. On the positive side, Camden’s ability to communicate his thoughts and feelings was a strong aspect of the story, highlighting his capacity to love intensely.

On the downside, the use of explicit language in his dirty talk, such as derogatory terms, felt forced and cringe-worthy for me. While personal preferences may vary, it’s worth noting for readers who might be sensitive to such language.

In the end, “Tempt our Fate” offers an engaging adversaries-to-lovers premise with humor and a strong-willed protagonist. Still, it falls short in character development, relationship dynamics, and handling sensitive language in the romance scenes.

Book Stats:
Rating: 3/5
Release Date: September 21, 2023  
Trope: small town, adversaries to Lovers, foodie romance- baker, billionaire, small town  
Series Name: Sutton Mountain  
Type of Series: Standalone  
Put out percentage:  38%  
Is there a 3rd act break up YES