Review: Healing My Heart by Gina Azzi

Charlie and Evan have a past.  But life and circumstances were not aligned for them to be together.  Charlie moved to New York City to continue on with her schooling leaving Evan and all of the dirtiness of Chicago behind. Now, three years later, Charlie is home for the holidays to visit family and figure out her next career move. 

Evan single dad to Ollie, workaholic, failed marriage because of his wife’s addiction. In a pinch Charlie jumps in to help Evan when for the next few weeks, he seems to be without Ollie’s normal nanny. 
Life throws them together again and again.  Charlie tries hard to put up walls, so she doesn’t fall into old patterns with Evan.  Evan broke her heart when he let her walk away three years ago. 

Both characters are fighting with their pasts that quickly catches up to them shortly after Charlie’s return to Chicago.

This was my first time reading the author. I read this as a standalone.  It was well written with very good characters. The story line had a few bumps but overall, I enjoyed the story. It was cute, sweet and just enough drama to keep you turning the page.