Playing with Lies by Riley Edwards

Playing with Lies by Riley Edwards was a surprise release at the end of 2023 and it changed my top reads in the final hour!

Vanessa approaches Dalton because she feels like she is being watched. This situation gives them a reason to act on their attraction, but… Dalton doesn’t do relationships and Vanessa doesn’t do friends with benefits, so they try to end it after one steamy night.

Pffft! Dalton cannot stay away even after the danger is gone. He goes all in and is there for Vanessa when her life implodes. She eventually gets to return the favor and prove she is just as swoony as he is. These two! Book boyfriend and girl crush vibes all around.

There is a whole secondary plot in this story and it is so compelling. It ties in perfectly with the evolution of their relationship. I could not put this book down and stayed up way too late to finish it.

Playing with Lies is the perfect way to kick off the Hollow Point series. It can absolutely be read as a standalone and would be a great place to start if you’re new to Riley’s books. Dalton & Vanessa also have enough of a tie to the Triple Canopy crew that my heart was deliriously happy with the cameos. This is Riley Edwards at her best.

I am desperate for the next book in this series (and all of the other active ones Riley has going right now)

Book Stats:

Rating: 5/5

Series: Hollow Point (Book 1)

Type of Series: Interconnected Standalones; Spin-off

Tropes: Protector Romance, Law Enforcement MMC, Girl Gang, Found Family

POV: 1st Person Dual

POP: 11%

Third Act Breakup: Technically, no. They aren’t in a relationship to start with.

Release Date: December 26, 2023

Availability: Kindle Unlimited

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