On the Line by Julie Conners
“On the Line,” the fourth installment in the Frozen Hearts series. Billed as a second chance romance for MCs Lauren and Jameson, I was not I sure going in. I don’t always love a second chance romance, but I think that in this story it works- their first attempt was more a maybe. Life and circumstances stole their chance.
I was really cheering for Jameson Flynn. He outshines every character in this book. He possesses a heart that surpasses all expectations when it comes to his loved ones. He is absolute book boyfriend material. I couldn’t help but be enchanted by his unwavering commitment to Lauren. Jameson’s actions spoke volumes, as he went above and beyond to ensure that she received nothing short of the world she deserved.
My disconnect came with our heroine. I struggled with her desperation to do everything herself. Recently widowed with young twin daughters in some ways she was ready to move on as she found out her previous marriage was full of secrets. It just did not fit with the hero. She wasn’t willing to let anyone help not just the hero.
This book has numerous layers to unravel, each unveiling a profound truth about life, love, and human experience. Yet, amidst the complexity, I found solace in the satisfying closure. It is an HEA to believe in.
This was my first book from author Julia Connors and I will absolutely check out more by her.