How to Heal a Heartbreak by Cynthia Eden

POV: 3rd Person Multi
PoP: 54%
Tropes: Second Chance; Heroine in Danger; Protector Romance; Pining Hero; Pining Heroine; Winery; Former MMA Fighter
Series: Wilde Ways: Gone Rogue book 2
Type of Series: Series of Standalones
Rate:   3.5/5 Stars
Release Date: April 27, 2023

Claudia was left at the altar by Holden five years ago. She goes to him because she truly has no other option when she feels like her life is in danger. She still harbors feelings towards him and he towards her. They don’t have an easy route back to each other, but when truths are revealed then you aren’t so frustrated by him. There are moments when I wanted to kick him in the shin because I felt like he needed to be more transparent with what happened in their past. However, at the same time, you can understand he throught process behind the secrets.

Claudia is a strong heroine who doesn’t just fall over when he wants to move forward. This semi-slow burn makes sense and I really enjoyed these characters. Eden creates strong storylines that are character driven as well as plot driven. We get insights into the villains headspace but she leaves very little open to figuring out who they are. We visit lightly with past characters with small intros into the next books hero and heroine which I enjoy. You can machete a Cynthia Eden series without issue and while I don’t condone that course of action it is possible.

He’d hung up on her. Her breath shuddered in and out, and the pain spread through her whole body. In shock, Claudia stared at the phone in her hand. The loud drumming of her heartbeat echoed in her ears. Over and over and over.

Want more from this series? Here is the review for book one: How to Protect a Princess