Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds

With irresistible sparks and intimate moments, Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds has undeniable chemistry and profound connection between the two unforgettable characters.

The sparks and intimacy portrayed in Before We Fall were absolutely captivating. It’s stories like this that remind me why I love romance books.

Although it may seem unlikely for these two individuals to fall in love, the undeniable chemistry and connection between them make it impossible to ignore.

Tucker is simply an incredible guy, embodying everything one could hope for in a book boyfriend. He’s protective, thoughtful, and always listens to Miranda. Despite being an alpha hero, he never oversteps her boundaries or disregards her choices.

Miranda, on the other hand, is a thoughtful character who makes decisions for valid reasons. She establishes clear boundaries and desires, showcasing her strength as a heroine. I appreciate it when authors emphasize a character’s strength through their boundaries and personal desires.

And let’s not forget little Kingston, who managed to steal my heart with their presence in the story.

The secondary suspense plotline added another layer of intrigue that completely absorbed me. It was expertly executed and served to enhance the overall story and the connection between the couple. The way it unfolded provided insights into the characters’ humanity and offered a deeper understanding of who they are and how they navigate the world.

If you’re searching for a new book boyfriend to add to your collection or a story that will captivate you from the start, I highly recommend checking out Before We Fall. It’s truly amazing!

Book Stats:
Rating 5/5
Tropes: Single Mom, Protective Hero, Found Family Series, Suspense, Second Chance at Love,

CW: mentions assault, cheating (not by main characters),

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I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review