Take | Anna Hackett

Francesca (Frankie) Parker is a very accomplished scientist who recently moved to New Orleans to work on a project for the government as she earns her PHD.   

I love a smart and sassy heroine, and Hackett did not disappoint with Frankie! I really appreciated how dynamic she was as a character.  Frankie is set on changing the world- she is genuine, kind, and wants to make a positive difference in the world.  Unbeknownst to her, there are some really bad guys that want to make sure that doesn’t happen. 

Reath Fury is asked to look after his best friend’s little sister, however, he didn’t expect her to be so beautiful or smart with the right amount of sass to get his blood pumping! Reath definitely thinks that he does not have time or room for romantic love like his brothers have.  His past trauma really impacts him and his view of love and family.  Reath is the quiet driven but reliable brother, and his brothers are more than happy to reciprocate.  As soon as Frankie catches Reath’s eye it is game over, and he cannot get her off his mind.  

Frankie and Reath really try hard to deny their feelings, but it is clear as day to everyone around them that the feelings they have for one another are very strong.  The suspense in this book was amazing with a perfect mix of relationship building. I felt that the pacing was perfect! There weren’t any slow chapters for me. I read this in one sitting; I could not put it down! While Frankie and Reath built their relationship the Fury brother stuck their noses into Reath’s business and gave him plenty of brotherly love and banter.  It was obvious to the Fury brothers that Frankie was Reath’s and they welcomed her with open arms along with their fierce ladies they adore.  While Frankie’s brother was not on page it is clear that both Reath and Frankie have a lot of respect and love for him; and when we finally did meet I loved their interactions. If you love a book with a lot of on page suspense, sassy & intelligent heroines, a super supportive loving found family, the brothers best friend trope then this definitely needs to be on your TBR list! I have thoroughly enjoyed the Fury brothers series, and I will be so sad when it’s over!