A Stealthy Situation | Saxon James

I was never more excited to go back to school in the summer than I was when Franklin U-2 was announced….and the line up of authors.  Talk about amazing!

I also felt a little old when I picked up this book because I feel like I have been around the Dalton twins since they were teeny tiny giving West and Asher a hard time … .I guess things never do change! Except these two are all grown up and living life away from the spotlight.  Bennett Dalton is such a dichotomy- he loves so much and so hard but he really doesn’t want people to see that side of him.  And absolutely forget about talking about feelings, that will just plain not happen.  I love that he thrives in the chaos, but really Harrison brought calm for him.

Harrison on the other hand is the opposite; he loves the quiet and still, and really has no issue talking about feelings, or plants. 

Harrison really leaned into this attraction and feelings for Benny quickly, and it felt so real to me.  Harrison is no wilting flower (pun totally intended) and holds his own with Benny’s big personality.  And he is smart, has goals, and works hard! He also really gets to the heart of who Benny is and never ever once attempts to come between Emmet and Bennett.  

I really thought going into this book that it was going to be heavier on the spice and low on the emotion, especially given Benny’s aversion to feelings, but I was so very wrong.  Saxon gave us all the feels, lots of character growth and a real deep understanding of all of the characters, even Emmett. Benny and Harrison complement each other in such an amazing way.  These two are definitely an amazing pair and I was definitely sad when their book was over, they are just that great!  We also got to meet several FU students and staff and I am anxiously awaiting the releases of this series! This summer is shaping up to be another round of FU shenanigans!