World Book Day April 23, 2022
In Celebration of World Book Day Buzzing about Romance is hosting their first ever read in.
We are challenging you to read for 24 hours over 48 hours.
April 22nd from 6p (local time) to April 24th 6p (local time)
Each reader is encouraged to set a pages read goal or minutes listened for the time frame and fill out our pledge.
Community Goal for the event: 20,000 pages read and 10,000 minutes listened
Come back by April 27th to let us know how close you came to your goal. (Do this and of course there is a chance at prizes! ).
What is World Book Day?
World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day or International Day of the Book, is an annual event organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote reading, publishing, and copyright. The first World Book Day was celebrated on 23 April in 1995, and continues to be recognized on that day. In 1995, UNESCO decided that the World Book and Copyright Day would be celebrated on 23 April, as the date is also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, as well as that of the birth or death of several other prominent authors.
Graphics to use for the event: