Twincerly Yours | Eden Finley

I was expecting Emmett to be a little bit of a golden retriever but I was not at all expecting him to be THE golden retriever of all golden retrievers.  Emmett is really struggling with his life and decisions that he and his twin Bennett have made.  It seems like the repercussions are almost steeper for him. (Don’t worry I love Bennett with my whole heart, too!)  But man my heart literally hurt for Emmett and I wish I could have just wrapped him up in the biggest mom hug ever.  While he and Bennett both made mistakes it feels as though that Benny is moving on with his life and Emmy is at a standstill.  His pain was palpable.  Emmett started to look for things that brought him joy once again, and that was on the ice being involved in hockey. Which also brought him Jonah.  

Jonah was the biggest surprise for me.  We knew him as the stuffy professor, but he is so much more than that.  And I really appreciated his evaluation and how he took a hard look at himself throughout the book then made changes to become the person that he wanted to be.  Jonah is clearly a caretaker and really did care for Emmett in a way that he really needed, while also holding him accountable.  

With all of Eden’s books there is so much well placed humor that had me laughing mixed in with my tears.  Emmett and Jonah might be an unexpected couple but they really were so perfect for one another.  They each encouraged the other to find their dreams and do what made their heart happy- even if it meant being apart for a period of time.  And the chemistry and connection was seriously amazing….and the dirty talking was such an unexpected and very very welcomed addition for this reader! I love this interconnected world that Eden and Saxon have gifted us- it is like the gift that keeps on giving! If you love a book with lots of humor, steam, and emotions this definitely needs to be on your Kindle ASAP!