The Hard Way by Jill Sanders

POV: 3rd Person
PoP: 40%
Tropes: Damaged Heroine; Damaged Hero; Small Town; Second Chance at life; Boss/employee
Series: Haven, Montana book 5
Type of Series: Series of Standalones
Rate:  3/5 Stars
Release Date: July 13, 2022

Sometimes you need to return to those roots of the books that brought you back to romance.
If you have read this series then you know who Brent it, but it can be read as a standalone.

Brent has moved back to Haven to be close to his sister Dylan. Mel is running from her past. I enjoyed this story and the growth that Brent shows, but there a couple instances he talks about how he lived when he lived away when he had this moment of clarity to how he needed to change his life and I didn’t believe that he really changed. Aside from that this is a story that shows that people can change they just have to want to. Mel is a strong character that you want more from. And the storyline with Darla was a little disappointing. She needed to talk to him so much but we were never privy to that conversation. Hence the 3 star rating… that being said it’s a good read.