The Chaotic Mood Read
Chaotic mood reader is my new title. I have always been a mood reader, but recently that has become chaotic at best. Being in an emotional funk lead me to jump around book to book without any real thought or purpose. I went down a MC rabbit hole that I wasn’t sure if it was necessary to leave. Then I started down the dirty novella lane, and it was delightful. Dark was next and I hopped around from there. I don’t know if it was the weather, the general chaos that has been my emotional life the past couple of weeks or I am just realizing that some of my go-to books types don’t really do it for me right now.
I have found that I need those dark and semi questional books to truly get out of my head. And honestly, this time around I went with the shifter romances. It used to be a rom-com could focus me, but that hasn’t been the case. I truly have read a rom-com in a couple of months and while I know for sure I will return to them because there are a couple on my radar that I won’t want to put down. However, they aren’t what pull me in as much. Perhaps it’s getting older, perhaps it’s the lack of care in the way in which some of the authors create these books, perhaps it’s just me and my changing tastes. That being said… here are some books that I have devoured recently. Not all great, but sometimes reading a not great book is just what I need to re-center. Hence the chaotic mood reader persona that I have adopted.
Some of the books I have chaotic mood read recently.