Shattered by Riley Edwards

POV: Dual 1st Person
PoP: 76%
Tropes: Single Mom; Man-in-Uniform; Found Family; Second Generation Series; Instant Attraction; Slow Burn
Series: Triple Canopy book 7
Type of Series: Series of Standalones
Rate: 5/5 Stars
Release: Oct. 25, 2022

Phoenix Kent is a character that I have been impatiently waiting for his book since he was introduced about 3 books back in this series.  And Riley Edwards does NOT disappoint.  Phoenix is everything I wanted and more… Wren Cunningham is a woman who is trying to start over, but her teenage son is reeling from the upheaval in their lives.  These three meet at a center where youth are mentored and Phoenix is paired with Griffin. 

The parallels between these two characters and the way in which all three of the characters heal is so much more than I was expecting.  I knew going in, that I was going to love this book because frankly if Riley Edwards writes it I am going to LOVE it.  But this book breaks you and you never quite come back together not because the characters aren’t pulled back together, but because you are emotionally torn apart in the best kind of way.  This surprising slow burn works in every way possible, and I was sad to see the end.