Random Reviews
Here we go for some short reviews for books I have been reading. Some are new releases, some are for podcast episodes and some are for both…

Most Eligible Cowboy by Stacey Kennedy
Rating: 5/5
Tropes: Billionaire, Cowboy, second chance at love, childhood crush,
Reading this reminds me why I love category romance. This was the perfect slice of spice I needed in this moment. Great Characters, unexpected emotions and a HEA that will live in my heart for a while.
If Stacey Kennedy writes it, I read it. I have always enjoyed her stories. Colter and Adeline are great characters. Timing was everything for them in this book. They were just what the other needed in the right moment at the right time in their lives. The past connection that brings them to this point with just enough familiarity to create a dynamic HEA.
If you are looking for a quick and spice ride with a swoony cowboy you should absolutely check out this title!

Welcome to Winterville by Carrie Elks
Rating 5/5
Tropes: small town, holiday, second chance, Hallmark with Spice, Family Series
I love a good an cheesy Hallmark Movie but at times I want more spice to it. Welcome to Winterville is exactly what I want! It is just holiday feel good romance we love. This is a Christmas tale as old as 2000, when we got our first Hallmark Christmas Movie! Billionaire Hero, Land Developers buys the town owned by the family of the Heroine. However the Heroine and her Cousins do not want to sell the town. It also just so happens that many years ago, 7 to be exact, the hero spent a night in the small town after a car accident left him stranded. But he never forgot Holly and the magical town of Wintersville.
This book was Christmas and Cheer, Family shenanigans and discord. I loved Josh. He really was a good guy. He realized he had a chance and he did everything he could to take advantage of it to its fullest. The chemistry between these two characters was spot on and I was rooting for their HEA the whole time. The small town antics are just perfect. I love how the town pulls together, some fun and quirky characters. Josh’s Grumpy Grandpa was just the villain this story needed. I really enjoyed this story and I am so excited to read the next book in the series. This is a Holiday Must read that does pass the Buzzing about Romance Die Hard Test!
Tempt by Melanie Harlow
Rating: 3/5
Tropes: age- gap, one night stand, curvy heroine, veteran hero, forbidden (ex’s dad), wedding planner
I have mostly read Melanie Harlow here and there. I loved her Bellamy Creek Series, but I have not read any of her First Gen Cloverleigh Farms Series. I have read book one of the next gen. I know that some of the books in this next gen have been hit or miss for many. Reading Millie and Zach’s story as a standalone completely works. There are other characters in this book from previous stories but this is truly Zach and Millie’s story.
I really liked this story. I was engaged with the characters from their first look across a bar. I really liked Millie and her confidence and sass. Zach’s take control nature lead to some super spicy and hot scenes between the two of them. The intensity of their connection was tangible for the reader. You wanted more of Millie and Zach at every page turn. The forbidden nature of their romance worked really well it did not feel like betrayal or revenge. The added angst of them sneaking around works.
Here is where some of my hang ups of this story come in. While I stated I have not read a ton of the authors books I do think that the whole “good girl” over the top spice felt forced. This was not typical for the author and I did not hate it but I did not love it. It felt like the author was playing to certain demographic and lacked true passion or inspiration. I know this was the authors first go at writing a Fat Heroine, overall it was ok. We do see some of the challenges that fat girls face with a fat phobic mother of a bride. And as the story starts the author did a good job talking about hips, thighs in boobs but that is where it stops. By the 2nd and 3rd bedroom scene between these two it was no longer mentioned. Activities between these two could have been any average shaped body. The author doesn’t talk about her hips or boobs, her lack of a flat stomach while we get lots of descriptors of his and and cuts. I am assuming that Millie is suppose to be a size 20 heroine but she doesn’t read like that and it was disappointing for me. I know the author had engaged help to get the fat body rep correct, but somehow it just missed. I love when an author challenges themself but when they make it a point to trade on the fact it is a plus size heroine my expectionations are higher.