Quick Shot of Romance: Stripped Down by Mae Harden

On Today’s Quick Shot of Romance we are reviewing Stripped Down by Mae Harden

Synopsis from Good Reads:
Baking is my thing. Bachelorette parties are not. Surprise strippers even less so. But I’m almost positive this guy isn’t really a stripper, and if he is, he’s pretty bad at it.
On the other hand, he’s very, very good at kissing. And maybe I shouldn’t have goaded him into doing it, but it’s not like I’ll ever see him again. At least I’ll have something to fantasize about when I’m baking muffins tomorrow morning.

Contractor. Loner. Stripper? Not usually, but I’ll do anything to get the Bachelorette party in the room next door to settle down. All I wanted was a good night’s sleep. I never expected my entire world to shift when she opened the hotel door with her wide green eyes and sweet vanilla scent. Now that I’ve had a taste, I can’t let her go. I just have to find a way to break down her walls.

Release Date: April 28th, 2020
Trope:  Meet cute, instant connection, mistaken identity, close proximity/co workers
Steam Level: 4

Brittni’s Rating: Champagne Night or a Venti Coffee with 2 extra shots
Becky’s Rating: Champagne Night or Small Batch local roasted Kona Coffee

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