My Reward by Jennifer Hanks
Rating: 5/5
Steam: 3/5
Angst: 3/5
Trope: slow-burn; security; protector; virigin heroine
Series: Elite Securities Book 3
POV: Dual 1st person
Jennifer Hanks continues to be one of my favorite authors with her newest addition to the Elite Securities Series. Striker has so much resentment and anger inside of him for things that happened in his past. He holds onto these things so tightly that he is afraid to take the one thing in front of him that he truly wants. Because of this, he makes a lot of missteps when it comes to Beth, and unintentionally hurts her in the process. Beth has had a less than stellar life. She was basically held prisoner in her life for years, and when she got the strength to break free, she became another type of prisoner. She is slowly becoming the woman she knows she can be (and breaking free from this other prison) but it takes time and the support of those around her. Just when Beth made the decision to make the next big step in her life, things begin to crumble around her. As well as her confusion and frustration with her relationship with Striker. As usual, in these books, we get the DiMarco family that pulls people in without pre-amble and fold them close. We get angst and steam and love and hope in this book, and it is truly worth the read.