Lace ‘Em Up- Bang Brothers | Elise Faber

What is better than one hockey player?  A whole family of hockey players and a meddling mother!  It is no secret that I am a total sucker for a hockey player, but add in a medling hockey mom and I am in!  Kingston Bang is the oldest of the Bang siblings, and has written off love. He has been there, done that, and has the grumpiness to prove it. He is content with his life with his hockey career and rescue dog. King is a guy who loves order, and that I can totally appreciate and relate to if I am being honest.  The amount of detail he has laid out for his week is impressive and I am a little jealous if I am being honest.  But I love how Rory literally blows into his life and turns things all upside down in the best way possible for King! 

Aurora or Rory as everyone calls her is just simply amazing, and one incredibly tough cookie! She has been through it and really needs more people in her corner.  She has every right to be jaded, but she isn’t. She is lovely, kind, so generous and has a giant heart … .and she loves to give Kingston Bang tons of grief.  I have to agree with her that he is pretty funny when he is agitated! Rory’s life was completely upended and things were not going the way that she had planned, so when King took charge and took care of her it was exactly what this girl needed.  She needed to see that she was worth so much, her heart deserved to be cherished and protected.  

Together these two are magic, they are clearly meant for one another and balance each other out perfectly.  He likes his rigid schedule, and she likes to take a scenic route and stop to smell the roses so to speak.  But most of all the way they love each other.  King see’s Rory for who she is and does the little things, because he knows that those are the most important things to her.  He also is 100% in her corner, and she does the same. These two had a hard earned HEA  and mama Bang had to hardly intervene at all, but when she did she swooped in and loved up Rory in the way only a mother can.  If you love a meddling mother, an independent heroine and a hero that shows up in all the right ways this book is definitely for you! This introduction to the Bang family was AMAZING, and I am eagerly awaiting the rest of the brothers books and to see all the mama Bang shenanigans.  Also, fair warning you will want and need to make a catch or two of everything cookies….you have been warned! Elise Faber delivered us another hockey hero that we love to love!  

Book Details:

  • Rating: 4 stars
  • POV: Dual first person
  • POP: 37%
  • Series: Bang brothers 
  • Type of Series: Interconnected Standalone, multi author series
  • Tropes: Fake relationship, heroine in danger, opposites attractRelease Date: 6/7/24