In a Jam by Kate Canterbary

POV: Dual 1st Person
PoP: 61%
Tropes: Single Parent; Childhood Crush; Small Town; Jilted Bride; Slow Burn; Marriage of Convenience 
Series: Standalone
Rate:  5/5 Stars
Release Date: September 18, 2022

Shay Zucconi has moved back to Friendship after being left at the altar and finding out she inherited a farm.  She has been a woman who hasn’t had roots until recently but doesn’t feel confident in any of those roots.  She is someone who is a little lost.  

Noah Barden is a grumpy of a man who is raising his amazing potty mouth niece because of the situation his sister has gotten her into.  He had a giant crush on Shay when they were in high school, but never did said anything.  When Shay moves home, he tries to keep his distance because he is terrified of getting hurt again but can’t.

These two are perfect together, and the chaos of their relationship makes sense.  Both, all three really, show an extreme amount of growth… in the way they think.. in the way they feel… and in the way they react.  Kate Canterbary put so much into this book and it is long, but there is not a moment in this book that I thought, this isn’t needed.  Imogen aka “Gennie” is one of the most well written kids I have read in a long time… she is perfection on a page and I love her so much.