Dangerous Proximity

Dangerous Proximity 

POV: 3rd person
PoP: 76%
Trope: Security Series; Single Mom; Widow; Heroine in Danger
Series: Alaskan Security-Team Rogue Book 8
Type of Series: Overarching storyline of Standalone HEAS
Rate: 5/5 Stars
Release Date: May 29, 2022

Jemma Westbrook aka Josie Watts aka Janice Whiteaker… no matter how you read her, you will not be disappointed.  Now let me start this review by saying, this is not a series that you can jump into the middle without starting at the beginning.  As my friends like to say… you canNOT “machete” this series.  You need to start with book one and read the whole way through because there is a storyline that travels though the books. But each book is a delightful HEA.

This book follows Tyson and Naomi.  They first meet when Tyson is hurt on a job and is in the hospital for a while where Naomi is a nurse.  They flirt and Tyson feels the connection, but Naomi has been hurt before and terrified to put herself out there again.  This is a SLLLLOOOOOOWWWW burn, but it makes sense as you read because of the way in which Tyson has to prove to Naomi that he is there for her and Emmett (her son) and isn’t going anywhere.

Danger follows these men and their ladies, so ever the protector, the Alaskan Security men take charge of their safety.  Naomi blends well with the women of Intel, and I love the way the enfold her and Emmett into the mix.  These two are perfect together, but not without faults.  This series is just wonderful (although Pierce and Mona will always hold top tier of this group).