Books Like: Claim Me Forever by AL Jackson
Are you looking for single parent books that have a little suspense as well?
Are you a fan of Claim Me Forever by AL Jackson, or really most AL Jackson books? Do you love the single parent trope, and love romantic suspense? How about when those two are combined? The podcast has talked about the single parent and what we love and dislike about the trope. Check out Episode 102 to listen. Here are some other book recommendations that give you similar feels to Claim Me Forever by AL Jackson. They give you intrigue and excitement… and some delightfully precious kids. But not all are young, which adds a whole other element to the story.
Single Dads with suspense elements:

Single Moms with suspense elements:

Take a tour of the single parent trope with the added dash of suspense. These books give you parents that struggle, and parents that don’t. However, a common element is the fact that there is something brewing in the background and they need their hero (Or heroine) to help them out of a sticky situation.