Becky’s Top Reads 2022

Part 2

There are two series that kicked off in 2022. Both ended up being exceptional. One is a complete series the other is still on going into 2023.

Pittsburgh Titans Series by Sawyer Bennett

Let’s talk about the ongoing series. Sawyer Bennett’s Pittsburgh Titans is the best Hockey Romances to hit bookshelves in 2022. This series is a reminder of why I love hockey romance. The entire series has all the things I love about sports romance- commaradre, strong characters and HEA. Each story is unique and they actually hit some very poignant topics, dealing with grief, anxiety, adding in the pressure of being a professional athlete. I truly love everything in this series and am excited for the upcoming releases in 2023.

My favorite in this series is Gage. It is book 3 in the series. Gage is a book boyfriend with swoony words, grand gestures and so much heart. Sawyer Bennett is an author that I will read everything she writes and am never disappointed. The heart she puts into her books come through the pages are you escape into this world. One of the things I really enjoy about her writing is the fact that each book stands on it’s own. She creates these stories that are fantastic on their own but when you read them together it is pure Romance Magic.

Tattered and Torn Series by Catherine Cowles

If you are looking for a completed series that will grab hold of you and live rent free in your heart for a good long time look not further than Catherine Cowles’ Tattered and Torn Series. This series is so good. The books are set in small town in the PNW. Each story is emotional with the right balance of romantic suspense.

This series follows mostly members of one family that were affected by a tragic event when one of the children was kidnapped at age 10. The family has not been able to put the event behind them nor have the really dealt with the ramifications of it in their present lives. This has the small town vibe I enjoy. Each book is unique in the characters and the journey they are on. I really enjoyed the care in which the author deals with some very emotional and personal issues.

Catherine Cowles paints a beautiful canvas of stories that show how resilient the human soul can be and given the right person to love it can grow and overcome just about anything. I really do enjoy this authors writing. If you haven’t picked up her books you absolutely should.

Both of these series are a excellent examples of well written romances. They also have characters with amazing depth that is relatable. Each of these books bring forth big emotions and enjoyment.