A De-café review of Dirty Secret by Mira Lyn Kelly

Vaughn Vasser- Hockey player and veteran New Guy traded to the Chicago Slayers.  Doesn’t make friends easy.  Has a long-standing history of a hate/hate relationship with the captain of the Slayers Greg Baxter.  For the last 10 months he has been hung up a casual hook up that happened in Vancouver

Natalie (Allie) Baxter- Physical therapist, former hockey player, hockey coach and oh yea, younger sister of the “great” Hockey player Greg Baxter.  Admirer of Vaugh Vasser for many years and from a distance until that one faithful night in Vancouver 10 months previous. 

There is something magical about Vaugh and Natalie.  You realize behind Vaugh’s tough exterior is a heart of gold.  He has so much to give he just prefers to live his life off the ice quietly.  Having lived his life to always be on top Vaugh has a tough time being forced to take a backseat to his super star team captain Baxter.  I loved Vaugh’s ability to lay himself out there for Natalie.  He realizes his limitations of time and allows himself to be vulnerable to her.   Natalie having lived her whole life in her brother’s shadow and seeing how hockey ruled her family’s life and choices has made it appoint to never date hockey players.  She doesn’t see a future with any professional player. She loves her life now.  She isn’t sure how much she is willing to risk including her heart to have this time in the light with Vaugh.  You could not ask for two more likeable characters.   The path to love for these 2 characters is a slow burn, a burn non the less.  You are hoping in your heart they will get their HEA, but it takes time and patience.  This book has quickly catapulted to one of my all time favorite Hockey romances.  I give this a 4.5/5 stars.