Review: DM Diaries by Teagan Hunter

DM Diaries- “Slow, unengaging, rushed, lackluster romance.”

DM Diaries by Teagan Hunter was my first book by this author, and unfortunately, it left much to be desired. Despite my initial enthusiasm, I found myself losing interest halfway through and ultimately skipped ahead to the ending, hoping for a redeeming conclusion.

The story’s pacing was incredibly slow, which might have been bearable if the main characters had offered any substantial build-up to their relationship. However, the supposed slow burn fizzled out, leaving nothing for the reader to hold on to. The characters were flat and their interactions, primarily through calls and texts due to their busy schedules, lacked depth and excitement. There was more telling than showing in this story, which might work for some readers, but it certainly didn’t for me.

Additionally, the two third-act breakups were too much. I usually appreciate a bit of drama, but this felt excessive and unnecessary. The characters’ tendency to run away from their problems instead of communicating was frustrating, especially considering they were in their mid-twenties. A simple conversation could have saved them two weeks of misery, making their lack of communication all the more exasperating.

The story’s pacing dragged on, making the slow burn feel more like a slow crawl. The ending was particularly unsatisfying; after everything, they just got back together without any significant resolution. It felt rushed and incomplete, leaving me wondering, “What was that?”

On a positive note, the audiobook, performed by Laurie West and Alastair Haynesbridge, was well done. The quality was good overall, though there were some noticeable volume differences where audio might have been spliced in. Despite this, the narration was engaging enough that I found myself listening at 2x speed to get through the slow parts of the story.

In summary, DM Diaries was a lackluster read for me. The characters and their relationship lacked the necessary depth and development to make the slow burn worthwhile, and the pacing was too slow. While the audiobook was well-narrated, it wasn’t enough to save the story for me. This book may appeal to readers who enjoy a more vibe-centric narrative, but it fell short for those looking for substance and a satisfying conclusion.

Book Stats:
Rating: 2/5
Tropes: Celebrity x Model, Hidden Identity, Strangers to Lovers, HFN
Pop: 64%
3rd Act Breakup: Yes
Audio narrators: Laurie West, Alastair Haynesbridge