Review: The Art of Catching Feelings by Alicia Thompson

As an avid reader of sports romances, I was eagerly anticipating The Art of Catching Feelings by Alicia Thompson. It’s refreshing to see a sports romance centered around baseball, especially when hockey romances seem to dominate the genre. However, despite my high hopes, this book didn’t quite hit a home run for me.

The story revolves around Daphne and Chris, whose relationship develops primarily through text messages driven by the deception trope. While I usually enjoy an instant connection between characters, this one felt abrupt and unconvincing. The quick development of feelings between Chris and “Duckie” over a few weeks of texting left me scratching my head, struggling to buy into their connection.

Daphne, the main character, was a significant point of contention for me. Her decisions throughout the plot were often frustrating, especially the prolonged deception involving the text messages. It felt inevitable that Chris would eventually uncover the truth, and that anticipation detracted from my enjoyment. The narrative relied heavily on these texting conversations, which became overwhelming and monotonous rather than engaging. Spreading them out more evenly could have added to the story’s depth.

One of the biggest challenges for me was the moral dilemma posed by the major miscommunication and catfishing situation. Daphne’s conscious continuation of the deception, supported by some people in her life, made it difficult for me to fully root for her and Chris. While the pair shared some genuinely nice moments, the foundation of their romance being built on a lie felt wrong and undermined my investment in their journey.

Despite my reservations about the storyline, I must commend Alicia Thompson’s writing style. Her prose kept me engaged and moving forward, even when I was frustrated with the plot. This is the third book by Thompson I’ve read, and I believe her to be a talented writer. It’s unfortunate that the story chosen for this couple didn’t resonate with me as much as I’d hoped.

In conclusion, while The Art of Catching Feelings was readable and well-written, the core premise of the story didn’t align with my tastes. The deception trope, the rapid development of feelings, and the overload of texting conversations all contributed to my mixed feelings. However, I acknowledge Thompson’s skill as a writer and look forward to seeing what she comes up with next, hoping for a storyline that better aligns with my preferences.

Book Stats:
Rating: 3/4
Tropes: Baseball Romance, Sports Romance, Hidden Identity, Deception Tropes, Instant Connection, slow burn,
Pop: 45%