Review: Fast & Reckless by Amanda Weaver

In Fast & Reckless, Amanda Weaver invites readers to dive headfirst into the high-octane world of Formula 1 racing. From the smell of motor oil to the roar of aerodynamic cars speeding by, this New Adult-ish romance is steeped in the glitz, glamour, and dirty scandals that surround the F1 circuit.

It’s been a long time since I’ve picked up a racing book, largely because this particular sports category feels distant and hard to connect with. Yet, Fast & Reckless proved to be an easy read, living up to its title in both pacing and subject matter. The story centers on Will Hawley, a new driver trying to shed his scandalous past, and Miranda Wentworth, the daughter of a team leader with her own history of mistakes. Their forbidden romance quickly heats up, bringing with it all the drama and tabloid fodder you’d expect from a high-profile relationship in the F1 world.

Despite the book’s engaging premise, I wasn’t entirely sold on the romance between Will and Miranda. While their chemistry was undeniable, their relationship moved from reckless infatuation to love declarations a bit too quickly for my taste. The push-pull dynamic and some of their less-than-mature actions made it hard for me to believe that their relationship would endure the external pressures of the racing world.

That said, Weaver’s detailed research into the F1 lifestyle—covering everything from the glamorous locations to the adrenaline-pumping action on the track—was impressive. These elements added a layer of authenticity that racing fans will likely appreciate.

Overall, Fast & Reckless is an entertaining read, particularly for those who love the world of Formula 1. While the romance didn’t fully win me over, the book’s fast pace and well-researched backdrop make it a worthwhile escape, especially for fans of the sport.