Review: Come to Me by J H Croix
Rating: 3/5
Steam: 3/5
Tropes: Friends to lover, Friend group, age gap, small town, Alaska, veteran
Series: Dare with Me #3 (Standalones)
POV: Dual 1st person.

Gemma and Diego’s story is truly an organic and natural friends to lovers. Acquaintances with in a friends group. A chemistry and attraction that sparks between them.
Both characters are working through some trust issues related to their past. This causes them to go cautiously when moving forward on their attraction. They do close themselves off some not wanting to share their experiences with the other.
The chemistry on the pages between these two along with the cast of supporting characters does make for a very readable book.
The story does have a few flaws. The abrupt ending leads to some pacing issues. Also, Gemma’s story is complex and has some big issues with in it. The story starts at strong and has so much potential. Some antagonists are introduced that give the story line some movement however the author doesn’t ever deliver on the promised angst. I really enjoy this author’s writing and storytelling I just felt that the story needs a bit more development. I think that would have helped so much with the pacing and ending of the story.
I also had some issues with the last 3 chapters. The last 2 time jumped 3 weeks, 6 months and then a traditional epilogue of 3 years. I felt like this was done to solve the abruptness of the ending but it really felt like an afterthought and didn’t really add value to the story.