Ep 102 Trope Talk Parenthood Edition
On this episode of Buzzing about Romance we are talking about the Tropes of Parenthood. We will cover the following sub tropes of Parenthood: Single Parents, Raising Siblings, Guardians. Joining us on this episode are Podcast contributor Jenni, Heather and Lindsey.
Anything is a trope: We break down tropes in episode 67 What the Trope part Deux Episode.
You can Find book Recs here: https://bookcaseandcoffee.com/ep102-bookrecs/
Book of the Week

Patreon Update: Welcome to new Patreon Members: Amanda T, Brittney , Terry D, and Kim T. Also welcome back to the patreon Shauna C.
We appreciate our Patreon supporters and would not be able to bring you the podcast without them. We currently have 4 open Tiers on Patreon. Those start at $5 a month and include membership to drunk book club and exclusive content. We are so close to our 40 patreon members. Once we reach that we will host another epic giveaway. Our Big Goal is 500 Patreon members.
Drunk Book Club: June’s Drunk Book Club will be June 11th. We are excited to be reading Reels by Kennedy Ryan. Also Kennedy Ryan will be joining us. If you would like to join us for drunk book club you can find details on our website.
Don’t forget you can help support the podcast by shopping through our Amazon affiliate link. Whenever you buy a book or a swim suit or laundry detergent the podcast gets a small percentage kick back.
Next Up: On the next episode of Buzzing about Romance we are going to talk about Novellas. Those quick and dirty reads we love some much. We are going to share some of our favorite Novella Authors, podcast contributor Carolina will be joining us.

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What is Becky’s Favorite part of a Nanny Romance?
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Music by Cambo
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