Emperor by Anna Hackett

Rate: 5 Stars
Series: Galactic Kings book 2
POV: Dual 3rd Person
PoP: 61%
Trope: Alien/Sci-fi; Slow Burn; Grumpy Hero; Instant Connection

Anna Hackett does it again with Brodin and Poppy. She writes a compelling and exiting book that you dont’ want to put down. Poppy is an extremely intelligent woman who was part of a wormhole travel test that went wrong. You get the full scope of what happened in book 1, but you do not need to read it to follow along with the story. However, you are missing out on a great book if you don’t! Brodin is one of three sons to an evil leader of the planet Sarkan. The story follows the fight against the warlord Candela and her attack his planet. Poppy is fighting to deal with the changes that have been pushed onto her body while she was held hostage by the warlord from book one as well as the intense attraction to Brodin. Brodin feels so much for his people, and does everything he can to keep them safe. He is fighting his attraction to Poppy but realizes soon that it is impossible and takes those steps to further their relationship. The earth women again show these alien beings that while small they are not meek and incapable of holding their own. I enjoy the science fiction element to this romance and Hackett continues to display her handle on writing a strong and well set up world.