Easton | Riley Hart

You know that a book is going to be amazing when you have to clean the tears off your glasses multiple times in the first few chapters.  After devouring Morgan I knew that Easton’s book was going to rip my heart out. 

Easton Swift has so much pain and guilt that he holds inside; and shuts the world out.  He builds walls to keep people out, but more to protect himself from the world.  The emotion that this man feels is palpable and my heart broke for the scared, lonely, heartbroken boy that needed adults to support him and get him help when he needed it most.  If I thought I loathed his father in Morgan’s book it has nothing on the feelings I have for him now.  Deep under all the pain, and anger that pours from Easton is a giant heart with so much love to give.  Easton is such a complex character and his evolution in this book was so beautiful.

Not unlike Easton Archer has pain and guilt he has carried around for years, however, he channels it in a different way.  Archer has a need to care for others, to love them, and help them see the good in themselves.  Archer see’s Easton at his most vulnerable and stays…and keeps coming back.  He supports, he loves and cherishes those he loves so genuinely and anyone that calls Archer a friend is so lucky.  Archer is so patient and kind.  He saw the best in Easton when Easton wasn’t able to see any good in himself.  

Archer and Easton are one of the most perfect matches that I have read in a long while.  Archer pulls Easton from his comfort zone, and Easton Their chemistry is off the charts and they love each other with raw emotion and abandon.  Easton gives himself fully to Archer when they are intimate.  And the way that Archer talks, oh my goodness I was waiting for my Kindle to melt.  If you need a deep emotional connection and love an emotional read this most definitely needs to be on your kindle! Riley Hart has such a way with words and gifts us with deep characters, strong connections, and amazing found families that wrap one another up in love.  The Swift brothers series is one of my favorites of 2024 and I am literally waiting on pins and needles for Rhett’s book. 


  • Rating: 5+ STARS ALLLLLL the stars!
  • POV: First Person, Dual POV
  • POP: 43%
  • Series:  Swift Brothers 
  • Type of Series: Interconnected Standalones
  • Tropes: Small town, Hurt/Comfort, Age Gap
  • Release Date: 10/10/24
  • Available on Kindle Unlimited