Book Review: Stay Anyway by Kaylee Ryan

Stay Anyway by Kaylee Ryan is a tale of finding love and community in a small town

Stay Anyway by Kaylee Ryan is a heartwarming single mom-small town rescue romance that offers readers a quick and engaging read. The story centers around Stella, a likeable character who, after facing the hardships of being a single mom, moves to a small town to live with her grandparents. Stella’s journey of starting fresh and finding her footing is both relatable and endearing.

From the get-go, Stella’s struggles are palpable. Disowned by her parents for getting pregnant in college, she faces the challenges of motherhood alone. Moving in with her grandparents is a step towards stability, but it’s Maverick, the charming and ever-helpful local, who truly brings light into her life. Maverick’s determination to befriend Stella and support her without making her feel like a charity case is commendable. He’s the epitome of the knight in shining armor—a genuinely good guy who’s impossible not to like.

As much as I enjoyed the characters and the sweet dynamics between them, the story does lean heavily on the stereotype of a single mom needing to be rescued. This might not sit well with all readers, especially those looking for a more nuanced portrayal of single parenthood. Another aspect I found challenging was the prolonged ‘friends with benefits’ stage between Stella and Maverick. Their relationship lacks the emotional maturity to clearly define what they are to each other, which could be frustrating for readers who prefer more defined romantic arcs.

Despite these points, the story has its strengths. The addition of baby Ada is a delightful touch, and it’s heartwarming to see how Stella’s new community, including Maverick, embraces her and her daughter. The sense of family and belonging is beautifully portrayed, adding depth to the narrative.

Overall, Stay Anyway by Kaylee Ryan is a good read for those who enjoy small-town romances with a touch of rescue fantasy. While it has its shortcomings, the book’s charm lies in its characters and the warmth of a supportive community. I’d rate it 3 stars.

Book Stats:
Rating: 3/5
Series: Kincaid Brothers
Tropes: Small town, single parent, single mom, slow burn, friends to lovers, Rescue romance,
pop: 67%
3rd Act Breakup- No

Other Reviews in the series:
Stay Together
Never with Me