Shattered Truths | H. Hunting

There is not an author that can write a meet cute like Helena, and this one is amazing.  Oh my goodness it felt like we were right there with Winter and BJ. To top it off the banter from the get go is epic, amazing, and everything we have come to expect from Helena.  Just wow! 

I loved the twist of the heroine playing hockey…and Winter is just plain amazing and  tenacious.  Winter works so hard, and does so much for her family. I won’t lie, it was challenging staying in the story with everything going on in her life.  I haven’t disliked a character as much as I did one in this book in a VERY long time.  To say Winter doesn’t have it easy is a huge huge understatement.  And yet she continues to push herself even more. 

BJ oh sweet sweet BJ.  Meeting him in previous books I was expecting something else, but I really love how he quickly showed readers his true self.  This man has a giant heart, is driven, and very intuitive.  He cares so very deeply for his friends and family, but he closes himself off, too. As Winter peeled back the layers of BJ it really made a lot of sense why he did this.Randy, his dad, was always a favorite of mine and I was so eager to see him and Lilly as parents.  They did not disappoint. 

Helena has such a way with words, as readers we get to feel the emotions that her characters are experiencing.  And there were a lot of emotions in this book, much to BJ and Winter’s dismay.  These two have such an amazing connection, but they are also not afraid to tell each other like it is.  If you enjoy a deep, emotional read where the characters have an intense connection, some fun banter, sexy banter this should be your next year.  BUT I will warn you this will make you want to re-read this Pucked series! Also, you will be torn on whose book you want next because ALLLLLL of the friends in this friend group are amazing, supportive and funny.  Another amazing read by the fabulous Helena Hunting!!!