Why Patreon?

I have struggled with starting the Patreon.  I am not great at selling myself or placing value on what I do. 

In January of 2020 I started the Blog BookcaseandCoffee.com.  After spending time working in the industry as a copy editor, I was being exposed to so many great books!  Even just recommendations from co-workers and other editors.  I have a huge love of all things romance novels.  I have been a lifelong reader.  I started reading romance at age 14, sneaking novels from my mom’s bedside shelves.  I have read over 1000 books.  I have reread 100s of books.  After talking with my Editor, she suggested that I start a book blog.  That I could review and talk about the books and stories I was passionate about. 

For years I had tinkered with the idea of a book-based podcast.  I love true crime and review podcasts.  But the more I searched through the Podcast Stores their offerings were not what I was looking for.  There were good ones out there just none that were the perfect fit for what I wanted to listen to or hear about.  I am kind of picky when it comes to the quality of a podcast and how it sounds.  I also want to laugh along with the host.   I want to feel engaged with them and that I am part of the story, not just a lecture. 

After creating the Book Blog, the Podcast was one of my dreams in the sky, ultimate goals for the blog.  I had hoped that within 2 years I would be able to start one.   The more I immersed myself into the book world (thanks covid) the more I realized the goal might be achievable sooner.  Because of people staying home and less busy there has been a rejuvenation in the book world.    More people were reading.  More people were looking for the next great read. 

I had started connecting with other book bloggers and book lovers on Instagram. Did you know there is a whole world on Instagram dedicated to lovers of Romance Reads?  Making these connections finding these friends with similar goals and likes I started throwing out in the world my idea for a podcast.  Just seeing where it would stick. 

My stars aligned and it stuck with Brittni!  We started chatting and feeling each other out.  We both realized we have a love of the rom-com and Hockey Romance.  We also had differences in the way we critique our reads.  I like storyline and movement; she is all about character development.

We hesitantly recorded our first 3 episodes and put them out to the world.  The feedback has been amazing, and we were on our way.   We connected with some author friends to come on and talk about their books.  And we have so many super awesome guest lined up for the rest of the year.

Drinks with the Bees is a work in progress and each show is better then the next.  For us to keep that forward moment, to be able to offer you fun and exciting quality content we need some support from our listeners. ( I feel like an NPR/PBS ad right now!)   Right now, all expenses related to the podcast and website are paid out of our personal incomes.  Our goal is for the podcast to be self-sustaining.  

This is where the beauty of Patreon comes in.  For the price of a latte or a drink with dinner you can help us continue with Drinks with the Bees. In exchange we promise to continue to offer you fun events like Drunk Book Club.  By being a Patreon you will receive exclusive content along with tons of other fun opportunities.   

Want to be come a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/drinkswiththebees