The Comfort Viewing
When you have a moment… whether good or bad, is there a show or movie that draws you in without even trying?
Do you have a show or movie that no matter how down you are, it helps reset you mind?
Is there a genre that draws you in, or are those comfort views as chaotic as your reading choices?
To answer those questions… I have a few different shows/movies that no matter what they make my day better. There is just something about them that bring a peace to my body that I don’t’ always get with reading, or watching other things. As per usual… I am not one that settles in one subject area. Whether the be comedy, drama, etc. Now usually I am one person that dislikes a scary movie in any form. When I was younger, I would devour them, but as I got older they hurt my mental health a little too much because I would get in my head about them and had to stop watching them. My husband however, still LOVES them. So I know that if I ever fall back into that genre then I have a partner in crime. Although, there is one movie that no matter what… I go back to year and after year.
Comedy is often a person’s go-to comfort view because it is often over the top and ridiculous, but for me that only works when it is something that only works sometimes. Actually every single night, my husband and I watch our comfort view before bed. IT is a show that we have watched TONS of times, and it really never gets old. There are of course episodes we like and some that we don’t, but as a whole… It always makes us feel good.
But then there is the dramas… I went through a phase where I loved reading the classics and I devoured as many as I could. But this one portrayal of a classic is one of the best I have ever seen. There are so many moments that capture this work of literature perfectly. And when you read the backstory of a couple of scenes it makes them even more poignant.
Then there is the movie comedy that never fails to disappoint. It it so quoteable and ridiculous that it never fails to bring me joy.
Check out my comfort views.

The Shining on Amazon
Watch The Office with Peacock or Amazon
Pride and Prejudice (my favorite version)