Sip and Discuss Scheduling Update!
Hey, Sip and Discuss crew! We’re making a small but exciting change to how we release the titles for our upcoming episodes.
Instead of posting the episode lineup sometimes 8 weeks in advance, we’ll now be sharing the titles and lineup on a rolling schedule – about 3-4 weeks before each episode drops. This new approach allows us to keep an eye on trends and offer titles that are currently buzzing in the book world, which we think will be especially helpful for those of us who are mood readers!
What’s staying the same? We’ll still be voting on a title each month – that won’t change at all! This is purely an update on when you’ll see the final lineup, making it easier to get excited about what’s coming up soon.
Thank you for your flexibility and enthusiasm as we continue to make Sip and Discuss the best experience possible! Looking forward to diving into these conversations with all of you!
Happy reading!