Review: Lies Like Love by Eva Simmons

The book starts off strong, but maintaining my interest became a challenge. The characters were likable but not particularly compelling. A recurring issue in many novels, including this one, is the portrayal of the female main character (FMC) striving for independence through odd jobs. Felicity’s attempts to make a living by creating and selling jewelry while barely making ends meet seemed impractical. At 26, her choices felt more naive and irresponsible than independent.

Given that the FMC and male main character (MMC) are in their late 20s, I expected more mature behavior. However, they often acted more like adolescents. Felicity’s tendency to accept what others told her without questioning it further added to this impression. Jude, although depicted as a menacing figure, turned out to be rather ordinary despite his few violent actions. The constant repetition of his supposed “darkness” became tiresome.

The plot’s slow pace was another downside. The big secrets were teased throughout the book, only to be revealed around the 70% mark. By then, the buildup felt overextended and anticlimactic. On the positive side, the intimate scenes were well-written.

Despite my initial high expectations, the book became increasingly frustrating. The overuse of monologues and the repetitive emphasis on the “forbidden” nature of the step-sibling relationship (which didn’t feel genuinely taboo) detracted from the overall experience. A more concise narrative could have improved the pacing and readability.

Overall, it’s a decent read, though not without its flaws. I am still interested in reading about Crew and Echo’s story.

Book Stats:
Rating: 3.5/5
Series: Twisted Roses
Tropes: Taboo, Close Proximity, Deception, enemies to lovers, morally grey hero