Review- Broken by Sadie Kincaid

Rating: 4/5 Stars
Series: Manhattan Ruthless (Standalone in a series)
Tropes: Billionaire, Marriage of Convenience
Micro-Tropes: My Wife
POV: Dual, 1st person
CW/TW: Mentions of miscarriage

I really enjoyed Broken, and it hit all the right notes for me when it comes to a billionaire, marriage-of-convenience romance. Sadie Kincaid did an excellent job pulling me into the story with her mix of high stakes, angsty moments, and undeniable chemistry between the main characters. Nathan and Melanie were such a compelling couple—horny for each other, yes—but there was more to them than just physical attraction. Their journey was emotional and intense and kept me hooked.

Melanie, in particular, stole my heart. She’s a character who just wants to belong, to be loved and needed, and I truly felt for her as she navigated the complexities of Nathan’s world. She was charming and genuine, and I loved her interactions with Nathan’s brothers, which brought a sense of family and warmth into the story. However, I would have loved even more insight into Melanie’s thoughts and emotions, especially after everything she went through. I felt like some of her inner struggles were glossed over, and getting deeper into her mindset would have enriched her character even more.

As for Nathan, his behavior was definitely over the top at times. There were moments where I questioned his decision-making, but his groveling toward the end made up for a lot. He was flawed, but his love for Melanie was clear, and I appreciated the lengths he went to in order to make things right.

Overall, Broken is a steamy, angst-filled romance with characters that draw you in. If you enjoy a marriage-of-convenience trope with plenty of emotion, this one’s for you.